Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Our Collective Psychosis

Paul Levy presents a fascinating psychological analysis of George Bush as a manifestation of our Shadow that has been projected onto the world stage. Will an awareness of the externalized unconscious content of our collective psyche precipitate a global awakening?

Read a collection of Paul's articles on his web site Awaken in the Dream.

Carol S. Wolman, MD, Board Certified in Psychiatry, has this to say about Paul Levy's new book:

“The Jungian analysis by Paul Levy, of Bush and the culture which maintains him, reaches deep into the American psyche. It should be studied and digested by everyone. If the citizenry would recognize that Bush’s egomania is acting out a national illness, we would all be saner. If the US could integrate the “shadow” which Bush projects upon the “the axis of evil,” perhaps we could achieve world peace and start to solve global problems. A MUST READ."

Listen to Paul Levy discuss his ideas in an interview with Fintan Dunne.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

visit the Prince